
You do not need a visa if you are

  • citizen of the EU/EEA/EFTA countries
  • partner or child of an EU/EEA/EFTA national and only if you are travelling together
  • holder of a Diplomatic, Service or Special Passport from Chad, Ghana, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey
  • holder of a Diplomatic Passport from Algeria, Georgia, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Peru, Russian    Federation, South Africa, Tunisia and Ukraine.

For more information please visit the Website of the Foreign Office of Germany

If you need a letter of invitation, please fill out the template letter below and send it by email to kenzler conference management as early as possible, in order to leave plenty of time to process the application. We suggest submitting it before 2016-06-15.

invitation letter

Note that registration must be made before requesting an invitation letter.